Ronin Warriors Fanzine Project Update: March 2018 - Issue 2: 3 weeks to go; have you checked in yet?

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Seiji's Insignia Gold

Ronin Warriors
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers

30th Anniversary
Fanzine Project

March 2018 Newsletter - Issue 2

Shiten's Insignia

Hello Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Trooper fans!

The deadline's in 3 weeks! I've gotten a few questions about avatars and bios, so here are some answers.

Avatars and Bios

  1. "Are bios needed for artists or just authors?"
    • Avatars and bios are requested of all participants, artists, authors, and cosplayers. This is to label your pieces and for fans to find one another. But if a participant is submitting pieces in multiple categories (an art piece and a prose piece for example), only one avatar and one bio are needed.
  2. "Do I have to use my real name or can I use an alias that I'm better known by online?"
    • Either one is good. It's totally up to you (unless it's an inappropriate word). I recommend going with whichever one you're most comfortable with sharing. If you'd like to share links to sites where you can be found, like deviantart, instagram, etc, feel free to add those in as well.
  3. "Are there any restrictions for the avatar image?"
    • Other than, "please no inappropriate images", avatars are pretty much whatever you choose. Just be sure to double check the image settings are up to spec. :)
Naaza's Insignia

Let me know if you've got more questions! We're getting down to crunch time, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Just 3 weeks left! Be sure to take really great care of yourselves!

Submission Deadline:

Your privacy is important to us. Please send a message to this email with the subject, "unsubscribe me" if you no longer wish to receive emails from us.

Disclaimer: By submitting art or writing to the fanzine project, submitter is stating they have created said works of art or writing themselves and have not stolen or plagiarized another's fan works. If a submission is found to have been submitted by a party other than the original creator, the submission will no longer be eligible to be included in the project.

Submitter also understands that submitting their work automatically gives permission to the ronin warriors fanzine project to publish said work. The submitter still holds all rights and ownership of said work and may publish the work themselves in print or online as they see fit.

It is not the intention of the project to receive any monetary compensation by the staff or submitters. All involvement in the project is voluntary and the final product is meant to be sold at cost to fans, staff members, and those who have submitted works.

©2018 Emily Wing