Ronin Warriors Fanzine Project Update: January 2018 - Issue 2: 11 weeks to go, project stats, share the project, and bio ideas.

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Shin and Shu enjoying the Fanzine

Ronin Warriors
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers

30th Anniversary
Fanzine Project

January 2018 Newsletter - Issue 2

Ryo's Insignia

Hello Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden Samurai Trooper fans!

First off, you are all awesome! The amount of interest in this project has been unbelievable--it's amazing to see so many people reaching out and wanting to take part. There's a lot of love for this series, and it's great that we can come together to make something that shows it. Thank you!

Now, on to the updates:

  1. More communication methods.
  2. Project stats.
  3. Bio ideas.
Seiji's Insignia

1. More Communication Methods

So we've got e-mail, tumblr, deviantart, and our own website...where else can we be reached?

Now we've got Discord! Feel free to friend me at emwing#2957. I may not appear online, but I will see notifications via my phone and will answer any questions asap.

The fanzine project is also being advertised on Twitter! If you've got a twitter account and a few seconds, click the link and to help advertise with a retweet.

My fingers are crossed that these will help keep everyone up to date on the project. Let me know if you have any questions or require a specific communication method not yet listed here, and I'll do my best to accommodate you!

Shin's Insignia

2. Project stats

Who likes a pie chart? I do! Here's one showing the estimated art, prose, and photo stats:

Fanzine Stats

Neat, right? Okay, maybe not. But at least we can get a general idea that the zine's make up is mostly comprised of art. We've got 11 weeks to go, so this can easily change, especially since more and more people are reaching out to sign up! I suppose we'll just have to wait and see!

Shuu's Insignia

3. Bio Ideas

A participant had a great question about their bio: aside from advertising where to find the participant online, what else should be included? Here are some suggestion questions that may help fill up the bio:

  • Why and/or how you got into this fandom?
  • What has kept you an avid fan all this time?
  • Who's your favorite/least favorite character, episode, or quote from the show?
  • For the artists, what is your favorite media to work in?
  • For the cosplayers, how did you create your cosplay or is there something you wish you'd known before making them?
  • For the writers, which character, genre, or person (first or third) is your favorite/least favorite to write in?

For the bio, feel free to write about the Ronin Warriors universe since that is really how most of us first got into it. Most importantly, have fun with it.

And don't forget to create an avatar to be printed alongside your bio. Visit the site for the details.

Submission Deadline:

Touma's Insignia

So, to sum it all up:

  • Discord and Twitter are open for communication.
  • So far the fanzine is mostly art, but that can change!
  • In your bios, try writing about your connection with the series along with where fellow fans can find you.
  • Just eleven weeks left until the submission deadline:

Feel free to reply to this email if you have any questions. Countdown 11 weeks!

Your privacy is important to us. Please send a message to this email with the subject, "unsubscribe me" if you no longer wish to receive emails from us.

Disclaimer: By submitting art or writing to the fanzine project, submitter is stating they have created said works of art or writing themselves and have not stolen or plagiarized another's fan works. If a submission is found to have been submitted by a party other than the original creator, the submission will no longer be eligible to be included in the project.

Submitter also understands that submitting their work automatically gives permission to the ronin warriors fanzine project to publish said work. The submitter still holds all rights and ownership of said work and may publish the work themselves in print or online as they see fit.

It is not the intention of the project to receive any monetary compensation by the staff or submitters. All involvement in the project is voluntary and the final product is meant to be sold at cost to fans, staff members, and those who have submitted works.

©2018 Emily Wing