
  • Web Developer
  • Web Designer
  • UX Designer
  • Graphic Designer


I fell in love with coding and became completely hooked on the thrill of turning ideas and code into interactive web experiences. After completing the program, I have been experimenting with web animation and user interfaces.

mockup of various websites' responsive design on a desktop, laptop, tablet, and iphone 5

01 processes

For my final projects I created wireframes, mockups, storyboards, and moodboards as needed. I approached each project as an opportunity to experiment with code and practice working through the design development process.

02 custom wordpress theme

I designed a custom Wordpress theme based on the style of the Pokemon video games — the moving background, link hover effects, and animated gifs are all elements used in many of the handheld video games. This project gave me the opportunity to not only learn Worpress, but also PHP, MySQL, and CSS Grids. It also incorporates responsive design and CSS Flexbox as a fallback to CSS Grids.

Custom fields were coded into the Wordpress Admin page to allow easier data‑management.

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03 responsive redesign

I independently redesigned the website of one of my favorite restaurants to improve its responsive design, branding, and readability. The restaurant's menu lists over 400 dishes. I used Microsoft Excel to organize the information and leveraged Excel formulas to generate code that was easily copy/pasted into the site's html documents.

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mockup of project website's responsive design on a desktop, laptop, tablet, and iphone 5

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